Lab 9

The animated map is beneficial to the audience because it shows change over time which is what my map is suppose represent. My map is about the change in population from 1900 to 2017. When you animate the map it allows the audience to visual see patterns in the data in one map without having to look at 12 static maps. Patterns like periods of vast growth or decline and where the majority of population is increasing. Not only that but by animating the maps I believe viewers will become more engaged. For a static map they’re perhaps thinking wow that a boring regular map but when they see an animated map they think wow you don’t see that often thats interesting.

I am also going to add my static maps to my website because if a viewer wanted to focus on a specific year it would be difficult if they were looking at the animated map. The maps change every second and I could see how that could get annoying.

lab log

In this lab I took my 12 static maps and turned them into a Gif with photoshop. This was the simplest lab by far. I simply uploaded my photos to photoshop created an animation and made sure it was in the correct order. I changed the time to 1 second on infinite loop and pressed play. Photo shop when it comes to this feature in my opinion was very simple and I did not run into any issues.

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